What Life Groups does Living Word offer?

We run Life Groups in Seasons — Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter — and each season is different with what groups are available and how many!

Tap the button to check what Life Groups we have going right now.

What are life groups?

You may know them by a different name. Small Groups, Cell Groups, Circles, Connect Groups, Community Groups, Fellowship Groups, etc — no matter what you call them, they're all pretty much the same; groups of 3 or more people who meet together regularly to live life together and help each other grow in their relationship with and love of Jesus Christ.

Why Life Groups?

The book of Proverbs says, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."– Proverbs 27:17 (NASB)… In other words, we function at our best in community with other people of similar belief who share our love for Jesus. We were never meant live life alone. We need each other.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, the Apostle Paul equates us (the Church) to a body — the body of Christ. Think of your own body. Your hands need your shoulders. Your knees need your hips. Your muscles need your lungs. Your eyes need your eyelashes. We need each other.


Our Mission to Pursue God, Encourage Growth, Develop Faith, & Demonstrate Love is impossible to live out in solitude. We need relationships with other believers to fulfill our potential. Likewise, two of our Core Values – Family & Discipleship – are the driving force behind our Life Groups. Families are built on relationships and discipleship takes place in the context of relationship.

Want to lead or host?

We're always looking to make more groups available! If you would like to lead or host a group, express your interest with the form below and we'll be in contact with you at our earliest convenience.


- As a LEADER, your responsibilities would be to choose the study material for your group (subject to approval from a Life Group Ministry Director) and oversee and guide the study and discussion of the group.

- As a HOST, you wouldn't necessarily be involved in leading any of the content of the group, rather, you would provide your home as a meeting space. Most leaders are hosts as well, but not always. Some people have a gift of hospitality and even though they wouldn't be comfortable leading a study, they'd love to open their home up to a group.